A story of photography and communication with a tiger beetle

Cicindela photography and connection

June 21st, 2024

The facts

Tiger beetles are mobile: they fly, land, take off again, run. When, still a teenager, I collected coleopters, catching tiger beetles was a challenge.

During good weather days of this week I was exploring some paths in the Apennine mountains. While walking, my attention was attracted by a number of tiger beetles, behaving exactly as described above.

One afternoon, on my return way, at the end of my explorations, time was left, until the end of the day; the weather was inviting to stay still outside, so I wondered: maybe I can try to photograph tiger beetles.

The tiger beetle is posing, but for few seconds

I therefore started my way back, slowly walking along the natural ground road, where possible insects were well visible. As a first effect, slowing down  allowed to open my eyes over the world of many other beings, that I could not see before. But, still no tiger beetles were in sight; already beyond half of my way, starting  loosing trust, some of them started appearing. The first shot attempts were unfruitful: not even the time to lift up the camera, and the tiger beetle was already gone.

But then came another one, still fast, but sometimes resting for a while. With some patience to follow it, and not let it going out of sight, during its sudden flights and movements, I succeeded to take some shots. I have my tiger beetle pictures!

Technical notes

Maybe that in many circumstances the photographic apparatus does not matter but, in this case, if I did not have my 400 mm lens, with 2x and the sensor set to DX mode, for a total of 1200 mm, that allowed me to shot from over 1 metre distance, I think that I could not have my tiger beetle photos.

And then, it was a full sun day, with a lot of shades: the situations normally believed not appropriate to take good shots. But, also in this case, intense light allowed to shot at high speed, around 1/2000, and this was really the only way to fix such a fast animal. And, all this, with an automatic sensor sensitivity setting, that pushed ISO at very high levels, perhaps not the best for orthodox hardliner photographs. And, finally, with shady weather often the tiger beetles simply disappear.

Conclusions: perhaps, also a matter of trust ?

Maybe, beyond technique, there are also different matters? During my slow walk back, waiting for tiger beetles to appear, I enter in communication with all was around be: before I was only walking for trail exploration. Tiger beetles, that were not around, then showed.

My photographic stuff was certainly determinant but, I have the idea that a mutual trust between me and the tiger beetle was established. After all, I am not collecting coleopters anymore, and she understood and she indulged: certainly she is not ugly, and some vanity is justifiable. From my side, I did my best to establish a contact, without any hidden scopes… Maybe, we understood each other. And, indeed, I was happy, at the end; and, what about the tiger beetle…

Cicindela, photography and connection
June 2024
Filippo D’Antuono – piudimille.com
all rights reserved

A frontal view