Walking techiques: entry-level course
Sunday, 1 October, 2023 / 10:00 - Sunday, 29 October, 2023 / 13:00 UTC+1
Entry level course
Walking techniques, without and with poles: speed walking, nordic walking, mindful walking
Walking is a basic activity, however often forgotten and, therefore, not naturally done, anymore. The present enthusiasm for outdoor activities may be positive, when not only regulated by commercial or performance suggestions, that may bring us out of our comfort zone.
Goals of this course
- to restart walking, rediscovering some basic principles of this practice.
- to acquire appropriate walking techniques, with and without poles
- to evaluate personal objectives and correctly adapt the avaiable techniques to personal needs and preferences.
To whom is the course addressed
- potentially to everybody, with special respect for people who are already involved or attracted by walking, at different levels
- there are nor special requirements in terms of fitness or physical performences
- the rest will come later, in relation of oersinal preferences and attitudes
General program
- Introduction to walking, movement and basic techniques
- Speed walking: techniques and aims
- Nordic walking: techniques and aims
- Elements of mindful walking: concentration and attention to the body
First meeting: Sunday, October 1 2023, 10.00-12.30, centro sportivo Montagna, La Spezia
Duration: 10 hours. Next meetings. Orientatively, Sundays mornings and/or Saturday afternoons: they will be agreed with participants at course starting
Subjects of the first appointment will be: introduction to walking, elements of mindful walking, introduction to specific techniques, programing of next appointments. During the following days the program will be fully developed, also in relation to participants’ interactions. The participants will be able to acquire the basic elements to manage walking programs, and decide about possible further learning steps.
Registration, conditions, payments
Cost, per person: 100 Euros. The course will take place with a minimum of 4 participants; max 8.
- The course will be confirmed at the reaching of the minimum number of 4 confirmed registrations
- A registration is conformed upon payment of the advance fee
- For info and registration write an e-mail, at info@piudimille.com, within Tuesday, September 26th
- you can then pay the anticipation of 30 Euros, sending your proof of payment by Thursday, September 28th, by credit card, via Pay Pal, or bank transfer
- the final balance will be paid after the first lesson
- for any information, write an e-mail at the address specified above; leaving your telephone number you will be called back. Your e-mail address and telephone number will not be used for different scopes fro what related to this initiative.
The use of walking poles is included in the fee.
Policy in case of withdrawals
- withdrawal after paying the advance fee, but within September 28th: the advance will be refunded, in the way that will be agreed, minus possible occurred bank or transfer fees.
- withdrawal after paying the advance fee, after September 28th, but before the first lesson: no refund is due
- withdrawal after the first lesson: the final balance is not due
- IMPORTANT: in the least two cases the course will go on only in case the minimum number of 4 participants is conserved.
- withdrawals after the payment of final balance do not give right of refunding. Wha already paid can be however scaled from fees of forthcoming events. The participation at forthcoming events of the basis of partially paid fees will not however counted for the minimum number of participants
What to bring
Confortable clothes (no jeans or tight trousers); sport shoes with sculptured sole, but not rigid (hiking shoes or boots are not appropriate). Put your personal things (document, phone, keys) in a belt bag; a small backpack, not impeding your movements, can also be appropriate. In any case, ask for furthe info you may need.
Filippo D’Antuono
Nordic walking trainer- SINW – FIDAL
Fit walking trainer- SICS
Hiking guide