

(for self-organised private groups, touristic and wellness entreprises, administrations)

This is the page of activity proposals organised on request, that is my favourite way

You find the same things also in the sections “Programs” of the different pages to which you cann access from the headings  “Places”, Activities” and “Nature and resources”
Here they are however grouped by different criteria, hoping this may help you find what you need.

This site is young and in constant evolution: what is not here, maybe is simply not yet written; by consequence, if during your browsing you see something interesting, contact me.
Consider however the program proposals you find here as exampels of what is possible to do by a tailor made planning

Programs for self-organised private groups

Self-organised groups are all kind of groups of people who may independently require, as a group, to develop some of the proposed activities, or organise tailor made programs. Examples are:

  • sport, cultural and free time associations
  • after work and pensioner associations
  • companies
  • simply, groups of organised friends
  • .. and all the other kinds of groups not mentioned

Programs for touristic and wellness entreprises, and administrations

Activities that touristic and wellnes entreprises would like to propose to customers, either individually or as a part of active holiday packs, or nature resources knowlwedge

  • tour operators and travel agencies
  • accommodation structures: hotels, B&B, campings, touristic resorts etc.
  •  wellness centres
  • health and olistic professionals
  • administrations
  • and whiever is not included in this list

Tailor made programs, for groups, operators, privates

Tailor made programs are the real essence of this site; the requests may come from either private groups and entreprises

The subjects can be not only hiking itineraries, but also all the other activities that you find in this site, individually or in combination.

  • hiking itineraries
  • courses and seminars, on different topics
  • forest bathings sessions, coaching and other nature connection practices
  • combinations of different activities

Courses and seminars

Find here a kind of “catalogue” of the proposed courses and seminars. You find the same courses also entering from the specific voices of the menu. The courses are not sorted by date, since they can be booked upon request.

  • Hiking and motion activities (Nordic walking, speed walking, e-bike basics)
  • Knowledge and experiences of natural resources (botany, ecology, landscape, traditional foods…)
  • Basics of nature photography
  • any other topics we may agree upon

Hiking itineraries

An orientative “catalogue” of hiking itineraries you may choose. This site is constantly evolving and what you do not find yet, could be simply not yet written. So, contact me for any specific request you may have.

  • hikes for the knowledge of Apennine places
  • winter hikes in the warmth of the Ligurian coast
  • hikes for your vacations or week ends
  • and all what you would like to discuss and plan

Activities of connection and regeneration in nature

These are programs in which nature, in broad sense, becomes our partner to enhance our wellness and awareness level. 

These programs may consist in punctual activities, also introductory to some practices, or more structured programs. They are addressd to both privates or operators.

  • forest bathing sessions
  • personal coaching
  • basics of walked and food mindfulness
  • integration with hiking and other physical activities

Programs for organised private groups

Standard Forest bathing event

Standard Forest bathing event - for private self-organised groups - for tourist and wellness operators The standard Forest bathing event is a general representation of what the activities carried out during this practice could be. The specific activities and invitations will depend on

Hiking itineraries

Hiking itineraries - per private groups - for touristic and wellness operators and administrations An orientative “catalogue” of hiking itineraries of your choice. This site is constantly evolving and what you do not find yet, could be simply not yet written. So, contact

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Programs for touristic and wellness entreprises, and administrations

Hiking itineraries

Hiking itineraries - per private groups - for touristic and wellness operators and administrations An orientative “catalogue” of hiking itineraries of your choice. This site is constantly evolving and what you do not find yet, could be simply not yet written. So, contact

Standard Forest bathing event

Standard Forest bathing event - for private self-organised groups - for tourist and wellness operators The standard Forest bathing event is a general representation of what the activities carried out during this practice could be. The specific activities and invitations will depend on

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Tailor made programs for groups, operators, privates

Standard Forest bathing event

Standard Forest bathing event - for private self-organised groups - for tourist and wellness operators The standard Forest bathing event is a general representation of what the activities carried out during this practice could be. The specific activities and invitations will depend on

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Courses and seminars programs

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Hiking itineraries programs

The areas of the itineraries – ask for what you  do not find yet

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Itineraries of the Ligurian east coast

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Itineraries of the inland east Ligurian valleys

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Itinerares of the Ligurian and Piacenza Apennine

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Itinerari dell’Appennino ligure parmense

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Itineraries of Parma and Lunigiana Apennine


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Itineraries of the Reggio, Lunigiana and Garfagnana Apennine

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Itineraries of the Apuanian Alps

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Itineraries of the Modena, Pistoia and Garfagnana Apennine

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Itinerares of the Bologna, Pistoia and Florence Apennine

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Itineraries of the Romagna and Montefeltro Apennine

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Itineraries of the Tuscany ranges (Falterona, Pratomagno, Alpe di Catenaia, Alpe della Luna)


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Thematic itineraries


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Programs for connection and regeneration in nature

Standard Forest bathing event

Standard Forest bathing event - for private self-organised groups - for tourist and wellness operators The standard Forest bathing event is a general representation of what the activities carried out during this practice could be. The specific activities and invitations will depend on

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