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May 2022
What is forest bathing An information session – Zoom platform What is forest bathing? An activity in nature which interest recently “exploded” At the same time, a lot of different interpretations and “marketing” literally also exploded. Every approach could find indeed its niche and public. However, there is the possibility of generating confusion and skepticism
Find out moreA new Forest bathing event at mount Branzi, Lerici Program Mount Branzi is a quite solitary place, uphill to the village of la Serra. There is a Mediterranean forest there, but also open and panoramic spaces, where each of us can immerse according to personal preferences. Time will be enough to develop specific invitations, and
Find out moreAugust 2022
This is the first 2022 forest bathing event in the Appennino tosco-emiliano. National park Program The old “casa cantoniera” (roadman’s house), not far from pass Cerreto, on the Lunigiana side, is a popular starting point of hikes in the surroundings. We will insetad use the place as our meeting point for a forest bathing experience.
Find out moreLet's start our forest and nature bathing practices in the Apennines with five new events in the Apennine of Reggio and Lunigiana Program This is an introductory program of five events, which details you find in the links at the specific posts: Questo programma comprende cinque eventi, che potete trovare nei link ai post specifici:
Find out moreThe second seasonal forest bathing appointment in the Appennino tosco-emiliano National Park Program Hut Pratizzano will be our meeting point and base for this experience. It is an accessible and quiet place, placed at the margin of a grassy plateau, surrounded by fir and pine plantations and natural beech forests. We will develop our activities
Find out moreThe third seasonal forest bathing appointment in the Appennino tosco-emiliano National Park Program We will start from the popular resort of Cerreto Laghi, With a short itinerary, during which we will share some experiences, we will, reach the beech forest of mount Maccagnino. Here we will develop or nature immersion, between forests and ample clearings,
Find out moreSeptember 2022
The fourth seasonal forest bathing appointment in the Appennino tosco-emiliano National Park Program Lake Pranda is a very evocative place and, therefore, also very popular and potentially crowded. We will therefore develop our immersion inside the beech forest, in the surroundings of the lake, starting rather early in the morning. However, the lake will be
Find out moreThe fifth seasonal forest bathing appointment in the Appennino tosco-emiliano National Park Program Pass Lagastrello is a very attractive place, although not very frequented. We will carry out our activities reaching a small ridge, through beech and conifer forests, to reach open and panoramic clearings. A set-aside place, although not far from the road, that
Find out moreWalking courses La Spezia - information evening The second appointment of this year, after the one held in spring Presentation of a new program, to learn or re-learn how to walk; start or maintain a training Program of the evening (about 30 minutes introduction + interaction and questions) Part 1: walking - mindful walking -
Find out moreAugust 2023
Forest bathing at the river Enza springs Fiorest bathing appointments in the Appennino Tosco Emiliano National park Program Andiamo in una valle appartata e solitaria, vicina alla strada, ma tuttavia lontana dalla folla. Entreremo in confidenza, con bosco e i suoi particolari e con l’acqua. Le nostre attività dipenderanno dalle condizioni del momento. Concluderemo nella
Find out moreSeptember 2023
Walking courses La Spezia - information evening Walking courses, with and without poles, are back, after the lag of this year spring We will meet on-line, to present and plan forthcoming courses, starting from end Sempeber - October. Why a walknig course ? After all, walking is an everyday activity, for most of us. But,
Find out moreOctober 2023
Entry level course Walking techniques, without and with poles: speed walking, nordic walking, mindful walking Introduction Walking is a basic activity, however often forgotten and, therefore, not naturally done, anymore. The present enthusiasm for outdoor activities may be positive, when not only regulated by commercial or performance suggestions, that may bring us out of our
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